Source code for aeppl.mixture

from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast

import aesara
import aesara.tensor as at
from aesara.graph.basic import Apply, Variable
from aesara.graph.fg import FunctionGraph
from aesara.graph.op import Op, compute_test_value
from aesara.graph.rewriting.basic import (
from aesara.ifelse import ifelse
from aesara.scalar.basic import Switch
from aesara.tensor.basic import Join, MakeVector
from aesara.tensor.elemwise import Elemwise
from aesara.tensor.random.rewriting import (
from aesara.tensor.shape import shape_tuple
from aesara.tensor.subtensor import (
from aesara.tensor.type import TensorType
from aesara.tensor.type_other import NoneConst, NoneTypeT, SliceType
from aesara.tensor.var import TensorVariable

from aeppl.abstract import (
from aeppl.logprob import _logprob, logprob
from aeppl.rewriting import local_lift_DiracDelta, logprob_rewrites_db, subtensor_ops
from aeppl.utils import get_constant_value

def is_newaxis(x):
    return isinstance(x, type(None)) or isinstance(getattr(x, "type", None), NoneTypeT)

def expand_indices(
    indices: Tuple[Optional[Union[Variable, slice]], ...], shape: Tuple[TensorVariable]
) -> Tuple[TensorVariable]:
    """Convert basic and/or advanced indices into a single, broadcasted advanced indexing operation.

        The indices to convert.
        The shape of the array being indexed.

    n_non_newaxis = sum(1 for idx in indices if not is_newaxis(idx))
    n_missing_dims = len(shape) - n_non_newaxis
    full_indices = list(indices) + [slice(None)] * n_missing_dims

    # We need to know if a "subspace" was generated by advanced indices
    # bookending basic indices.  If so, we move the advanced indexing subspace
    # to the "front" of the shape (i.e. left-most indices/last-most
    # dimensions).
    index_types = [is_basic_idx(idx) for idx in full_indices]

    first_adv_idx = len(shape)
        first_adv_idx = index_types.index(False)
        first_bsc_after_adv_idx = index_types.index(True, first_adv_idx)
        index_types.index(False, first_bsc_after_adv_idx)
        moved_subspace = True
    except ValueError:
        moved_subspace = False

    n_basic_indices = sum(index_types)

    # The number of dimensions in the subspace created by the advanced indices
    n_subspace_dims = max(
            getattr(idx, "ndim", 0)
            for idx, is_basic in zip(full_indices, index_types)
            if not is_basic

    # The number of dimensions for each expanded index
    n_output_dims = n_subspace_dims + n_basic_indices

    adv_indices = []
    shape_copy = list(shape)
    n_preceding_basics = 0
    for d, idx in enumerate(full_indices):
        if not is_basic_idx(idx):
            s = shape_copy.pop(0)

            idx = at.as_tensor(idx)

            if moved_subspace:
                # The subspace generated by advanced indices appear as the
                # upper dimensions in the "expanded" index space, so we need to
                # add broadcast dimensions for the non-basic indices to the end
                # of these advanced indices
                expanded_idx = idx[(Ellipsis,) + (None,) * n_basic_indices]
                # In this case, we need to add broadcast dimensions for the
                # basic indices that proceed and follow the group of advanced
                # indices; otherwise, a contiguous group of advanced indices
                # forms a broadcasted set of indices that are iterated over
                # within the same subspace, which means that all their
                # corresponding "expanded" indices have exactly the same shape.
                expanded_idx = idx[(None,) * n_preceding_basics][
                    (Ellipsis,) + (None,) * (n_basic_indices - n_preceding_basics)
            if is_newaxis(idx):
                n_preceding_basics += 1

            s = shape_copy.pop(0)

            if isinstance(idx, slice) or isinstance(
                getattr(idx, "type", None), SliceType
                idx = as_index_literal(idx)
                idx_slice, _ = get_canonical_form_slice(idx, s)
                idx = at.arange(idx_slice.start, idx_slice.stop, idx_slice.step)

            if moved_subspace:
                # Basic indices appear in the lower dimensions
                # (i.e. right-most) in the output, and are preceded by
                # the subspace generated by the advanced indices.
                expanded_idx = idx[(None,) * (n_subspace_dims + n_preceding_basics)][
                    (Ellipsis,) + (None,) * (n_basic_indices - n_preceding_basics - 1)
                # In this case, we need to know when the basic indices have
                # moved past the contiguous group of advanced indices (in the
                # "expanded" index space), so that we can properly pad those
                # dimensions in this basic index's shape.
                # Don't forget that a single advanced index can introduce an
                # arbitrary number of dimensions to the expanded index space.

                # If we're currently at a basic index that's past the first
                # advanced index, then we're necessarily past the group of
                # advanced indices.
                n_preceding_dims = (
                    n_subspace_dims if d > first_adv_idx else 0
                ) + n_preceding_basics
                expanded_idx = idx[(None,) * n_preceding_dims][
                    (Ellipsis,) + (None,) * (n_output_dims - n_preceding_dims - 1)

            n_preceding_basics += 1

        assert expanded_idx.ndim <= n_output_dims


    return cast(Tuple[TensorVariable], tuple(at.broadcast_arrays(*adv_indices)))

def rv_pull_down(x: TensorVariable, dont_touch_vars=None) -> TensorVariable:
    """Pull a ``RandomVariable`` ``Op`` down through a graph, when possible."""
    fgraph = FunctionGraph(outputs=dont_touch_vars or [], clone=False)

    return pre_greedy_node_rewriter(

class MixtureRV(Op):
    """A placeholder used to specify a log-likelihood for a mixture sub-graph."""

    __props__ = ("indices_end_idx", "out_dtype", "out_shape")

    def __init__(self, indices_end_idx, out_dtype, out_shape):
        self.indices_end_idx = indices_end_idx
        self.out_dtype = out_dtype
        self.out_shape = out_shape

    def make_node(self, *inputs):
        return Apply(
            self, list(inputs), [TensorType(self.out_dtype, shape=self.out_shape)()]

    def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs):
        raise NotImplementedError("This is a stand-in Op.")  # pragma: no cover


def get_stack_mixture_vars(
    node: Apply,
) -> Tuple[Optional[List[TensorVariable]], Optional[int]]:
    r"""Extract the mixture terms from a `*Subtensor*` applied to stacked `MeasurableVariable`\s."""
    if not isinstance(node.op, subtensor_ops):
        return None, None  # pragma: no cover

    join_axis = NoneConst
    joined_rvs = node.inputs[0]

    # First, make sure that it's some sort of concatenation
    if not (joined_rvs.owner and isinstance(joined_rvs.owner.op, (MakeVector, Join))):
        # Node is not a compatible join `Op`
        return None, join_axis  # pragma: no cover

    if isinstance(joined_rvs.owner.op, MakeVector):
        mixture_rvs = joined_rvs.owner.inputs

    elif isinstance(joined_rvs.owner.op, Join):
        mixture_rvs = joined_rvs.owner.inputs[1:]
        join_axis = joined_rvs.owner.inputs[0]
            join_axis = int(get_constant_value(join_axis))
        except ValueError:
            # TODO: Support symbolic join axes
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Symbolic `Join` axes are not supported in mixtures"

        join_axis = at.as_tensor(join_axis)

    if not all(
        rv.owner and isinstance(rv.owner.op, MeasurableVariable) for rv in mixture_rvs
        # Currently, all mixture components must be `MeasurableVariable` outputs
        # TODO: Allow constants and make them Dirac-deltas
        # raise NotImplementedError(
        #     "All mixture components must be `MeasurableVariable` outputs"
        # )
        return None, join_axis

    return mixture_rvs, join_axis

def mixture_replace(fgraph, node):
    r"""Identify mixture sub-graphs and replace them with a place-holder `Op`.

    The basic idea is to find ``stack(mixture_comps)[I_rv]``, where
    ``mixture_comps`` is a ``list`` of `MeasurableVariable`\s and ``I_rv`` is a
    `MeasurableVariable` with a discrete and finite support.
    From these terms, new terms ``Z_rv[i] = mixture_comps[i][i == I_rv]`` are
    created for each ``i`` in ``enumerate(mixture_comps)``.
    old_mixture_rv = node.default_output()

    mixture_res, join_axis = get_stack_mixture_vars(node)

    if mixture_res is None or any(
        rv.owner and isinstance(rv.owner.op, ValuedVariable) for rv in mixture_res
        return None  # pragma: no cover

    mixing_indices = node.inputs[1:]

    # We loop through mixture components and collect all the array elements
    # that belong to each one (by way of their indices).
    mixture_rvs = []
    for i, component_rv in enumerate(mixture_res):
        # We create custom types for the mixture components and assign them
        # null `get_measurable_outputs` dispatches so that they aren't
        # erroneously encountered in places like `conditional_logprob`.
        new_node = assign_custom_measurable_outputs(component_rv.owner)
        out_idx = component_rv.owner.outputs.index(component_rv)
        new_comp_rv = new_node.outputs[out_idx]

    # Replace this sub-graph with a `MixtureRV`
    mix_op = MixtureRV(
        1 + len(mixing_indices),
    new_node = mix_op.make_node(*([join_axis] + mixing_indices + mixture_rvs))

    new_mixture_rv = new_node.default_output()

    if aesara.config.compute_test_value != "off":
        # We can't use `MixtureRV` to compute a test value; instead, we'll use
        # the original node's test value.
        if not hasattr(old_mixture_rv.tag, "test_value"):

        new_mixture_rv.tag.test_value = old_mixture_rv.tag.test_value

    if = f"{}-mixture"

    return [new_mixture_rv]

def switch_mixture_replace(fgraph, node):
    if not isinstance(node.op.scalar_op, Switch):
        return None  # pragma: no cover

    old_mixture_rv = node.default_output()
    # idx, component_1, component_2 = node.inputs

    mixture_rvs = []

    for component_rv in node.inputs[1:]:
        if not (
            and isinstance(component_rv.owner.op, MeasurableVariable)
            and not isinstance(component_rv.owner.op, ValuedVariable)
            return None
        new_node = assign_custom_measurable_outputs(component_rv.owner)
        out_idx = component_rv.owner.outputs.index(component_rv)
        new_comp_rv = new_node.outputs[out_idx]

    mix_op = MixtureRV(
    new_node = mix_op.make_node(
        *([NoneConst, as_nontensor_scalar(node.inputs[0])] + mixture_rvs)

    new_mixture_rv = new_node.default_output()

    if aesara.config.compute_test_value != "off":
        if not hasattr(old_mixture_rv.tag, "test_value"):

        new_mixture_rv.tag.test_value = old_mixture_rv.tag.test_value

    if = f"{}-mixture"

    return [new_mixture_rv]

[docs]@_logprob.register(MixtureRV) def logprob_MixtureRV( op, values, *inputs: Optional[Union[TensorVariable, slice]], name=None, **kwargs ): (value,) = values join_axis = cast(Variable, inputs[0]) indices = cast(TensorVariable, inputs[1 : op.indices_end_idx]) comp_rvs = cast(TensorVariable, inputs[op.indices_end_idx :]) assert len(indices) > 0 if len(indices) > 1 or indices[0].ndim > 0: if isinstance(join_axis.type, NoneTypeT): # `join_axis` will be `NoneConst` if the "join" was a `MakeVector` # (i.e. scalar measurable variables were combined to make a # vector). # Since some form of advanced indexing is necessarily occurring, we # need to reformat the MakeVector arguments so that they fit the # `Join` format expected by the logic below. join_axis_val = 0 comp_rvs = [comp[None] for comp in comp_rvs] original_shape = (len(comp_rvs),) else: join_axis_val = get_constant_value(join_axis).item() original_shape = shape_tuple(comp_rvs[0]) bcast_indices = expand_indices(indices, original_shape) logp_val = at.empty(bcast_indices[0].shape) for m, rv in enumerate(comp_rvs): idx_m_on_axis = at.nonzero(at.eq(bcast_indices[join_axis_val], m)) m_indices = tuple( v[idx_m_on_axis] for i, v in enumerate(bcast_indices) if i != join_axis_val ) # Drop superfluous join dimension rv = rv[0] # TODO: Do we really need to do this now? # Could we construct this form earlier and # do the lifting for everything at once, instead of # this intentional one-off? rv_m = rv_pull_down(rv[m_indices] if m_indices else rv) val_m = value[idx_m_on_axis] logp_m = logprob(rv_m, val_m) logp_val = at.set_subtensor(logp_val[idx_m_on_axis], logp_m) else: logp_val = 0.0 for i, comp_rv in enumerate(comp_rvs): comp_logp = logprob(comp_rv, value) logp_val += ifelse( at.eq(indices[0], i), comp_logp, at.zeros_like(value, dtype=comp_logp.type.dtype), ) return logp_val
logprob_rewrites_db.register( "mixture_replace", EquilibriumGraphRewriter( [mixture_replace, switch_mixture_replace], max_use_ratio=aesara.config.optdb__max_use_ratio, ), "basic", "mixture", )